NCJTA | 北加日本語教師会 | Northern California Japanese Teachers’ Association

Northern California
Japanese Teachers’ Association

Membership for AATJ and NCJTA Dual Members

If you would like to support and get involved with Japanese education at both the national and regional levels, please choose Dual membership (AATJ and NCJTA).

We are an affiliate of the American Association of Teachers of Japanese (AATJ). By becoming a member of AATJ, you can also become a member of NCJTA without paying the NCJTA membership fee.

Membership process for AATJ members

  1. Go to the AATJ website to start an application:
  2. When joining AATJ, please choose NCJTA as your local affiliate.
  3. Forward your receipt from AATJ to our treasurer.
  4. Please register with NCJTA and create your username and password for login to Members-only page.