NCJTA | 北加日本語教師会 | Northern California Japanese Teachers’ Association

Northern California
Japanese Teachers’ Association

2024 California Japanese Language Teacher of the Year Nominations Inbox

Rubric for California Japanese Language Teacher of the Year AwardIn these trying global times, it is important to recognize the value of world languages and education.

The time is now to highlight the efforts of our fellow colleagues and advocate for their students and programs.

California has the largest number of Japanese teachers in the United States. This also means we have a large number of individuals who deserve to be recognized!

We plan on highlighting many recipients of the California Japanese Language Teacher of the Year Award for K-12 and College teachers. We sincerely hope this pool of recognized individuals will pioneer and lead the future of California Japanese education.
This year, CAJLT is taking the honor to pilot this program. In future years, CAJLT, NCJTA and TJSC will together strive towards expanding our Teacher of the Year Award program.

Please advocate for your colleagues and their Japanese program, for the recognition they deserve!

Cameron Chien
CAJLT President
We are now taking nominations of K-12 and College/University teachers through April 25, 2024 (11:59pm). Both the teacher candidate and the nominator must be a member of CAJLT, NCJTA, or TJSC.

Please nominate a teacher through this google form.
Nomination Form: 2024 California Japanese Language Teacher of the Year Award
We will be asking nominators to send a CV of the candidate and two letters of recommendation describing the candidate’s contributions as a Japanese language teacher.

The nomination committee will be using the following rubric to choose the Teacher of the Year, which we adapted from AATJ’s Teacher award rubric.
Rubric: 2024 California Japanese Language Teacher of the Year Award

One specific note regarding nominations. Nomination committee members cannot make nominations, or be nominated.
We are sure that many teachers are becoming busier as the end of the school year is fast approaching. Let’s all support each other by recognizing the amazing Japanese teachers, as we know that there are many all over California!

Chie Fujie
CAJLT K-12 Liaison



California Japanese Language Teacher of the Year Awardを開催し、K-12と大学の先生方の中から受賞者を多く選ばれる様願っています。今後のカリフォルニア州の日本語教育の未来を切り開き、リーダーシップを増やしていくことに注力していきたいと考えています。

将来的に、CAJLT、NCJTA、TJSCは共にCalifornia Japanese Language Teacher of the Year Award の拡大に向けて尽力して参ります。





2024 カリフォルニア最優秀日本語教師賞 推薦フォーム


推薦委員会は、AATJのTeacher awardのルーブリックを参考に(以下のルーブリック)を基に、Teacher of the Yearを選出します。





CAJLT K-12代表

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